On today’s episode we talk with Eric Shorr from Secure Future Tech Solutions. Listen in to hear what advice he gives to protect against cyber attacks at your business and how Rod feels about phishing attacks!
IREM Today #164 New Logo Unveiled
On today’s episode we talk about the new IREM logo that was unveiled last week. Tune in to see what local store will be closing in Rhode Island.
IREM Today #157 Special Guest, Brett Smiley
On today’s episode we talk with Brett Smiley, Cheif of Staff for Gina Raimondo, about the future of Rhode Island. Listen to hear what input he gives on the Superman building and the Pawtucket Red Sox’s future.
IREM Today #121 Thanksgiving Fire Safety Tips
On this episode of IREM Today we talk about tips on keeping safe while preparing your holiday feast. And Deana tells us what happened when she let a candle burn out.
IREM Today #119- Election Day Special
On this episode of IREM Today we talk about the importance of career and tech with John Marcantonio, from RI Builders Association, and more with Jack Bentz on “yes on 7”.
LIHTC PowerPoint 2015
Click Here to review the LIHTC PowerPoint from Rhode Island Housing 10/07/2015
Job Postings
New job opportunities are posted regularly.
Click on the “Read More” tab to see the latest job postings!
Ethics 800 Course Registration
The Rhode Island Chapter will be sponsoring the ETHIC 800 course on October 24th at Sparrows Point I in Warwick RI. Tuition: Member Rate- $185.00 – Nonmember Rate: $230.00.
Registration begins Monday August 11, 2013 at www.irem.org/education or call 800-837-0706 ext. 4650
All registration will go through IREM National Headquarters…..see attached for details
A Welcome From Tony Natale
2013 and my first of two years as President of IREM Greater RI Chapter 88 is soaring by! At times there have been a whirlwind of Chapter activities and goings on and other times the journey has been a relaxing and enjoyable one. I am happy to report that our Chapter is on as solid a footing as it ever has been as events continue to be well attended and feedback continues to be positive. In fact, we continue to achieve our goals and objectives by using our own unique innovative concepts as well as tried and true IREM methods to offer industry leading educational opportunities for property management professionals, promote IREM credential awareness and best practices as well as provide meaningful networking and membership experiences.
Our focus on creating “value” for our members via a wide array of offerings makes it possible for our chapter to retain so many members year in and year out and bolsters our efforts to attract new members and provide leadership to the real estate community.
Our successful Chapter Mentorship Program, informational Podcasts and widely attended “Brown Bag” seminars and “Table 88” roundtable discussions are just some of the ways we reach out to members. Do you have an idea or a suggestion you would like to make to improve our chapter? I am always eager to discuss Chapter business and I encourage you to contact me or leave a comment on the Chapter 88 Open Forum page. It continues to be my pleasure serving the Chapter as its President. The best part of the experience has been working with all the talented and tireless volunteers, Executive Council members, committee members, Friends of IREM and Chapter IAE, Janet Monaghan. Thank you one and all for your contributions!